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The Four Great Rivers (Tribute to Lezama, Mariano and Boetti), 2018.
The Four Great Rivers (Tribute to Lezama, Mariano and Boetti), 2018 (detail)
The Four Great Rivers (Tribute to Lezama, Mariano and Boetti), 2018 (detail)
The Four Great Rivers...[left] and Asleep (Awake on the Inside). Installation at the National Museum of Fine Arts, Havana for the solo show Ajústate al tema (Stick to the Subject), 2018 - 2019
Asleep (Awake on the Inside), 2018
Asleep (Awake on the Inside), 2018 (detail)
One day my past was longer than my future, 2018
One day my past was longer than my future [left] and Deus ex machina. Installation at the National Museum of Fine Arts, Havana for the solo show Ajústate al tema (Stick to the Subject), 2018 - 2019
Deus ex machina, 1996-1997
The laundry woman, 1997. Alberto y Nieves de la Puente collection, Madrid
Young Lady of the Boat and the Fish, 1992
Lenin. What's to be Done? 1991. Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst collection. Aachen
Lenin. What's to be Done? and Too Much Colour. Installation at Van Reekum Museum. Apeldoorn, 1992
Love of Champions, 1991
The Christmas Eve, 1995
Night Flight and Cars, 1995
Four eyes et le martello dientuzzo, 1987
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